Prevalence of gatrointestinal parasites: trematodes, nematodes and baskets in caninos of the Latacunga Animalist Foundation, in the city of Latacunga
canine, samples, parasites, prevalenceAbstract
Parasitic infections in canines are worldwide in distribution and are characterized by nonspecific intestinal symptoms; by clinical processes that can be acute, subacute and chronic. For this reason, research is carried out in an Animal Rescue Foundation to determine the existence of gastrointestinal parasites in canines. A descriptive study was carried out. The sample consisted of 40 canines, the total population of the Foundation. The samples taken from the canines were sent to the laboratory and from the results obtained it can be seen that, of the 40 samples obtained, the mongrel breed is the most common, having 50% and therefore the highest frequency of parasites found is determined. In the other 50% is the variety in races, thus demonstrating that overcrowding can lead to contagion between different races and mestizos. 15 animals between 0 to 1 years old were registered, indicating that the abandoned animals are mostly young and the most susceptible to find parasitic diseases. Regarding sex, 62.5% of female canines and 37.5% of male canines were registered. According to the coproparasitic analyzes, 7.5% of cestodes, 52.5% of nematodes and 40% of canines without parasites were found. From the investigation it can be concluded in a general way that 40% of the canine population was negative for parasites and 60% were positive.
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