Application of the method of least differences on driving cycle of an urban bus route. Case study in Azogues, Ecuador
Driving cycle, fixed routes, digital terrain model, global position systemAbstract
Driving cycles such as those of the FTP (Federal Test Procedure) and Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles (WLTC), currently used for the design of powertrain for mass passenger transport buses, are used to estimate fuel consumption or Bus emissions from various cities in the world, where the driving cycle is very different, due to the topographic characteristics of the roads and weather conditions of each city. A clear example of this are the cities of the Andean highlands of Ecuador, whose roads cross terrain with variable topography. In the present work, the driving cycle of a route of a mass public transport bus in the city of Azogues is investigated, which connects different towns located at 2,300 and 2,500 m.a.s.l. To find the particular driving cycle, the weighted minimum differences methodology is applied, supported by successful case studies from different cities around the world, Hong Kong, Toluca (Mexico), Chennai (India), Pereira (Colombia), Madrid (Spain), Cuenca (Ecuador). A field investigation is carried out, in which 2 equal buses are studied, during 1 month of operation en route, with a sample of 34 bus trips with return at the starting point. It was found that the driving cycle for this urban route is different from the European Heavy Transient Cycle (ECE-15 + EUDC and ECE-49), regulated in the INEN 2207 and INEN 2202: 2002, used by the Ecuadorian authorities for the tests of emissions and fuel consumption of buses in Ecuador.
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