Diagnosis of the General Motor Local Area Network and Local Interconnect Network implemented in a 2011 Chevrolet Camaro vehicle


  • Freddy Apuparo Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Rogerio González
  • Luis Ilbay Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Rogerio González
  • Claudio Ortiz Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Rogerio González




Chevrolet Camaro, Gateway, High Speed GMLAN Serial Data, Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data, Red LIN


In the present research work, it presents the results of the study of the networks found in the Chevrolet Camaro 2011 vehicle, through the manufacturer’s electrical diagram, three communication networks are observed: Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data, High Speed GMLAN Serial Data and LIN network.
An experimental methodology is used, with the use of a diagnostic equipment, an oscilloscope
and a disconnection box, the voltage, the resistance of the High Speed GMLAN Serial Data network, the data transmission speed is meassured, and it is also classified as each of the networks according to their transmission class, the topology or architecture of the networks. In turn, breakdows are generated in the different networks that cause loss of communication.
Finally, the particulars of each of the communication protocols used by the vehicle are detailed.


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How to Cite

F. Apuparo, L. Ilbay, and C. . Ortiz, “Diagnosis of the General Motor Local Area Network and Local Interconnect Network implemented in a 2011 Chevrolet Camaro vehicle”, INCITEC, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 72–79, Jun. 2021.



Academic Work