Socio-environmental marketing and its influence on consumer behavior in household waste management


  • Miryam del Rocío Coro Instituto Superior Tecnológico San Gabriel
  • Adriana de las Mercedes Fray Consultora Independiente
  • Jorge González Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Tello



Behavior, environment, strategy, management, marketing, waste


The objective of the research was to evaluate the influence of socio-environmental marketing on the behavior of consumers regarding the generation of domestic waste, through a social perception that allows identifying ways of acting existing in families, towards domestic waste management processes that are produced from homes and the difficulties for their elimination, emphasizing the aspects of assessing the capacities of consumers to follow models of garbage production and management, all aimed at raising awareness and sensitizing people regarding the importance of Environmental Conservation. The study is of a quantitative and qualitative nature, taking as object of study the inhabitants of the city of Riobamba, the starting point was the market study through the application of surveys to consumers who go to supermarkets, to process the information and issue the conclusions, making a situational diagnosis of the influence exerted by social marketing on environmental problems. The perceptions, points of view, of consumers are analyzed from the moment of purchase to the moment of discarding their containers or wrappings, this in order to identify whether they value brands that do not harm the environment without reducing their quality, that is It should be noted that there are products that present reuse alternatives, so marketing not only has the ability to sell, but is also capable of making consumers aware of being a contribution to caring for the environment. Key Words: environment, behavior, waste, strategy, management, marketing., positively influencing the behavior of the population.


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How to Cite

M. del R. Coro, A. de las M. . Fray, and J. . González, “Socio-environmental marketing and its influence on consumer behavior in household waste management”, INCITEC, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 87–92, Jun. 2021.



Academic Work