The implementation of mobile applications and their derived effects on the public transportation service: Case of Radio Taxis services on Cuenca city
Communication, Costs, Execution, Utility, Profitability, SustainabilityAbstract
The implementation of mobile applications as a tool of the Information and Communication Technologies is a factor of transformation in the behavior of technology users, as well as of the society and the companies. While its implementation can be associated with benefits in terms of functionality and operability, it can trigger other effects such as those addressed in this research, and the fact that cab service companies have considered its use, seems to affect the sustainability of Radio Taxi companies. The study presented reports on the findings found after two surveys directed to the users of the service and to the transporters themselves. After analyzing through statistical clusters and applying exploration on the cost components associated to the two technological alternatives, it is demonstrated how Radio Taxi companies effectively face a closing or mandatory technological migration scenario, since from the profitability and its investment, mobile applications would be a convenient practice that transforms the traditional modus operandi.
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