Cloud Computing and the 3Cs model as a Digital Marketing strategy: implementation in MIPYMES in Azogues city
Azogues, Cloud computing, strategies, marketing, MSMEsAbstract
The use of Cloud Computing in commercial activities is booming in many countries, they have managed to position several businesses in a prominent way, especially large and medium-sized companies that seek to innovate their business activities, but in Ecuador, this service has not yet It is fully applied and limits the improvement of businesses, especially MSMEs that are partially or totally unaware of this service, so this research is directed at the analysis of MSMEs in the city of Azogues to know their level of application of the Cloud Computing in their commercial activities, in addition to the knowledge of the marketing strategies they use, through the use of a survey directed to 68 specific MSMEs. The results obtained show that commerce activities are the most frequent in the city (49%) while the importance of the use of technology is at a medium level (50%), the lack of knowledge about Cloud Computing is wide (91, 2%), the options they take into account to innovate their businesses are customers (33.8%) and there is a high willingness to invest in digital marketing and business strategies
(44.1%). In conclusion, knowledge of both Cloud Computing and marketing strategies such as the 3 C’s is low, so it would be necessary to consider the implementation of a strategic plan for digital transformation based on these services.
Tecnología y Conocimiento, vol. 13, nº 1, pp. 45-61, 2016.
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