Comparative study of the Italian method and that of the National Risk Management Secretariat to obtain the seismic vulnerability index of the dwellings - Riobamba, Chimborazo case


  • David Alejandro López Niama



risk, earthquake, vulnerability, housing


Riobamba is located in an area of high seismic risk, therefore there is a need to carry out a study on the seismic vulnerability of homes, which focuses especially on the La Victoria and Miraflores neighborhoods within this city. The factors that contribute to a home being vulnerable are: poor configuration, lack of structure, poor foundations, discontinuity of elements, uncontrolled extensions and reductions, unskilled labor and the lack of adequate technical direction. Through this research work, the seismic vulnerability indices were evaluated in 34 homes in the Miraflores neighborhood and 52 in the La Victoria neighborhood, using two methodologies: the Italian Method and the Method of the National Secretariat for Risk Management (SNGR). Using the SNGR method in the study neighborhoods, 100% of homes with low vulnerability have been reported, that is, they are safe since the evaluation basically
only relates to the state of conservation, which generates little reliability in the method. On the other hand, with the Italian method, his analysis focuses on the structural behavior of the entire dwelling, resulting in 7% of safe dwellings, 90% corresponds to dwellings with medium vulnerability and 3% represents highly vulnerable dwellings. Therefore, the best option for vulnerability analysis is the Italian methodology as it generates results that can be trusted and taken into consideration for a correct seismic evaluation of homes.


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How to Cite

D. A. López Niama, “Comparative study of the Italian method and that of the National Risk Management Secretariat to obtain the seismic vulnerability index of the dwellings - Riobamba, Chimborazo case”, INCITEC, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 32–37, Jun. 2021.



Original Article